Friday, November 23, 2007



At 4:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The summer league starts at last and let's make the wait worthwhile by firing on all cylinders and hitting the ground running on Tuesday! I honestly believe that we can compete for top spot and with the quality we have, especially in terms of strength in depth, we are destined for success. One notable addition to the squad is Saif, who should fit in nicely as most of you know he's a top bloke and an erm a decent player as well!

Let's take each game at a time though and believe in each other, we know each other well now and the youngsters are in my eyes now considered as MEN. Let's play like men COME ON LADS!!!

At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey we've upgraded now to the proper QPT (i.e. dropped the "youths" tag) so as Mohamed said, let's play like the men that we have now become...!

It's a new era. Can't wait lads


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